Accu-Chek ACTIVE Blood Glucose Meter
Accu-Chek ACTIVE Blood Glucose Meter

Accu-Chek ACTIVE Blood Glucose Meter

Price: 1,850 - 1,850
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: 01999013101

Whats App: 01999013101
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সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

Health Mate BD MIRPUR Dhaka Bangladesh 1 Years Verified Supplier


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পাইকারি পণ্যের দাম সর্বদা পরিবর্তনশীল। পণ্যের বর্তমান দাম জানতে উপরের মোবাইল নম্বরে সাপ্লায়রকে সরসরি ফোন করুন। বিদেশি সাপ্লায়ার কে LC বা TT তে দাম পরিশোধ করুন ৷ দেশী সাপ্লায়ার কে ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারী বা ফেস টু ফেস ক্রয় বিক্রয় করতে পারেন । কোন ভাবেই অগ্রিম টাকা পয়সা লেনদেন করবেন না। কুরিয়ারে কন্ডিশনে পণ্য হাতে পেয়ে টাকা প্রদান করবেন৷ আপনার অসাবধানতায় কোন প্রকার প্রতারণার স্বীকার হলে আমরা দায়ী নই ৷ অনলাইনে পন্য ক্রয়ের আগে সমস্ত সিক্যুরিটি গ্রহন করে নিন ৷

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Product details

Accu-Chek ACTIVE Blood Glucose Meter

Benefits and Features

  • The Intuitive target range indicator gives you visual reassurance. It can be individualized to suit your personal therapy goals*
  • Only what you need – Your test result and your averages (7/30/90 days) are visible on the meter
  • No set up required – Just insert a strip, apply a small blood sample, and read your blood glucose result on the large display
  • Easy-edge test strip – Apply a small drop of blood anywhere along the wide, yellow edge
  • Proven accuracy guaranteed by the makers of the Accu-Chek brand, fulfilling the requirements of the ISO 15197:2013^
  • Test strips come in a 10, 25, 50 vial, so you can choose whatever fits your budget or therapy
  • All data can be uploaded to the Accu-Chek Connect Online portal (USB)
  • Enjoy virtually pain-free testing with the Accu-Chek Softclix lancing device

* Blood glucose values (Lows≤69mg/dL, Normal 70-160 mg/dL, High≥161/dL) are pre-set on the Target Range Indicator and must be interpreted in conjunction with the appropriate medical condition at the time of taking reading, and in accordance with advice of your physician.
^ Criterion A of clause 6.3 for the lot tested (Freckmann et al., JDST, 6(5), 2012)

Additional specifications

Meter storage conditions:
° C
Memory capacity:

The meter automatically stores at least 720 blood glucose results in memory, but only the last blood glucose result and your 7, 30, and 90 day averages can be viewed on the meter. To view stored blood glucose results, transfer them to Accu-Chek Connect Online diabetes management .

Automatic off:

90 seconds after performing a test, 15 seconds after test strip is removed, or 5 seconds from the last test result screen.


Approx. 40 g (with batteries)



Meter type:

The Accu-Chek Instant S meter is suitable for continuous operation.


USB: micro-B connector

Serial number:

Unique serial number etched into meter back

Sample claims:

Capillary: Yes
Venous: Yes
Arterial: Yes
Neonate: Yes

Measuring principle:

FAD glucose dehydrogenase (GDH)

Hematocrit range:

10 to 65 %

Humidity range:

10 to 90 %

Altitude independence:

0 to 3,094 m (10,150 ft)

Measuring time:

Less than 4 seconds

Measuring conditions:
 to 45° C(39
  • The Intuitive target range indicator gives you visual reassurance. It can be individualized to suit your personal therapy goals*
  • Only what you need – Your test result and your averages (7/30/90 days) are visible on the meter
  • No set up required – Just insert a strip, apply a small blood sample, and read your blood glucose result on the large display
  • Easy-edge test strip – Apply a small drop of blood anywhere along the wide, yellow edge
  • Proven accuracy guaranteed by the makers of the Accu-Chek brand, fulfilling the requirements of the ISO 15197:2013^
  • Test strips come in a 10, 25, 50 vial, so you can choose whatever fits your budget or therapy
  • All data can be uploaded to the Accu-Chek Connect Online portal (USB)
  • Enjoy virtually pain-free testing with the Accu-Chek Softclix lancing device
  • * Blood glucose values (Lows≤69mg/dL, Normal 70-160 mg/dL, High≥161/dL) are pre-set on the Target Range Indicator and must be interpreted in conjunction with the appropriate medical condition at the time of taking reading, and in accordance with advice of your physician.
    ^ Criterion A of clause 6.3 for the lot tested (Freckmann et al., JDST, 6(5), 2012)

Additional specifications

Meter storage conditions:

Temperature: -25° C to +70° C (39° F to 113° F)

Memory capacity:

The meter automatically stores at least 720 blood glucose results in memory, but only the last blood glucose result and your 7, 30, and 90 day averages can be viewed on the meter. To view stored blood glucose results, transfer them to Accu-Chek Connect Online diabetes management .

Automatic off:

 90 seconds after performing a test, 15 seconds after test strip is removed, or 5 seconds from the last test result screen.


 Approx. 40 g (with batteries)



Meter type:

 The Accu-Chek Instant S meter is suitable for continuous operation.

USB: micro-B connector

Serial number:

 Unique serial number etched into meter back

Sample claims:

Capillary: Yes
Venous: Yes
Arterial: Yes
Neonate: Yes

Measuring principle:

FAD glucose dehydrogenase (GDH)

Hematocrit range:

 10 to 65 %

Humidity range:

 10 to 90 %

Altitude independence:

 0 to 3,094 m (10,150 ft)
Measuring time:
 Less than 4 seconds
Measuring conditions:
4° C to 45° C(39° F to 113° F)

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